Saturday, December 31, 2011

never once...

Gahlee gee bums. It's been a year hasn't it?

I mean, wowsa. Lots of changes went on here. I had three different jobs this year. Two, if you count substitute teaching as babysitting. ;) Which, sometimes, that's what it is. So, let's say 2 1/2 different jobs.

My living situation changed. 3 times! 3 might be a magic number. I lived in my house for 5 1/2 months, in which I didn't take my Christmas tree down until like...March. Then there was living with Matt and Molly. What a blessing that was. And now it's with Mom and Dad. Which, I'm still learning how to do that.  I thought I knew.

I was wrong.

All these changes,and yet there's one thing that never did.


There were ups and there were downs and there were plateaus in the middle, but He was there carrying me the entire. time.

I wish I had some good words to sum this year up.  My word of the year was really put into action. {It was "trust." I think I'm picking "fun" for next year.} ;) But Amber Haines has two posts that I was just like...ummm...yeah, that's what I want to say except for it wouldn't be as exquisitely phrased. :)

Words that stuck: 

"Broken dreams are always building blocks for new dreams. And this time, I’m trying not to have a plan. I only know that God is with us, and it’s never what we think, and that things will fall apart, and that even then, especially then, it’s ok."

Words that stuck:

"God is faithful to change dreams, to make Himself the Vision – His nearness, His voice, His Face. And I’m finding that when the End of my Dreams is God, rather than God being the means for my dreams, I become encapsulated by Him. Storms rage on, but I rest in smooth anchored boat, God-hands cupped in protection around my heart, and I learn to love His hands and even the winds that blow me into them." 

Did you read that last paragraph? 
Those are some crazy awesome words. 

So, that's my prayer for this new year. That He makes Himself the Vision and that, even though it may be hard, I follow Him.

I'll leave you with some of my favorite posts from 2011 on God's faithfulness. 
  And a video. 
Because you can never be reminded enough. :) 

Biggest blessings to all of you friends in the new year. It's gonna be good. Like..really.


Saturday, December 3, 2011


You've heard of No Shave November right? It's when guys grow out their beards and don't shave for the month of November. It's a cultural phenomenon. I don't know where it started.

Along those same lines, I think the blog {inadvertently} participated in No Blog November.

I had lots of stuff going on in my mind. And in my life. I mean, not like, life-changing things. I was just busy. And sick. And tired. And evidently couldn't find it in myself to peck out a post. Sad. 

If you were wondering about my test. I delayed it. 'Twas no way I would have been ready. New test date is January 14th. Which, is actually sister's birthday. So...I'm giving myself a present of taking a two hour test that kind of determines if I'll be able to teach the rest of my life. Or something.

No biggie.


The nieces came for Thanksgiving. And I know I've said it before, but I seriously.  SERIOUSLY. HAVE THE CUTEST NIECES EVER. Proof below.

And before I inundate you with pictures, can I just say Instagram has to be one of the best things ever invented. Ever. 

Just a reminder, Anna Woods is the oldest, she'll be 6 in a month. And is in kindergarten. And can READ! Little girl read me a story about a pumpkin and I was just like..."Can you stop growing up? PLEASE?" Also...we decided after seeing one of these pictures that she's basically The Godfather. Except, the playground kind. Or the kindergarten kind. She cracks me up.

Little brown-haired chick is Hadley. She's 3 1/2...there are three pictures of her on the couch that I feel should be in like a baby GQ magazine or something. And what's funny is Mary Neal took those pictures. Ha.

Smaller blonde-haired chica is Mary Neal. And she's actually almost a whole month younger than Hadley, even though she's a head taller.

I loved getting to play with each of them separately for a tiny bit. They are all so completely different. And I'm pretty sure they're going to be the best freakin' friends for their entire life. And that makes my heart so abundantly happy. You have no idea. So without further delay. Proof they're the cutest.

Happy December!



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