As I sit here and write this there are, approximately, 9 hours left in 2009. This year has been one of the best, and worst of my life. Best in the sense that I made new friends and got to move back to within 5 miles of my family, but worst in that there were so many nights spent crying myself to sleep over the fact that I was almost 600 miles away from the family I loved. That loneliness hit me really hard this year and I'm guess I glad it did because that prompted me to begin my search for a job in Mississippi so that I could be 5 miles from my family. I decided to do a little picture flashback of my year, really only sharing the good times (because, really, who takes pictures of sad times???).
2009 is almost behind us and 2010 (we'll see how long it takes me to remember to write 2010 on my checks instead of 2009) is bearing down on us. Last night at church Romans 12:12 was brought to my attention. Now, I'm sure I've read it before, but it really just stuck with me. I've decided to make that my 'theme verse' for the year.
"rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"
- Romans 12:12
I pray that 2010 is full of blessings too numerous to count (I stole that phrase from my friend Chelsea) and that we grow closer to the Provider of those blessings each and every day.
New Year's Day 2009!
I finally got to see my long-lost friend, Carlin, after having not seen her for 18 months (?) in MY town! :)
Carlin and I cheering on Ole Miss in the Cotton Bowl! Our Rebs pulled it out and won!
Kelley and I @ a Journey Group game night in January. The girls won at the Battle of the Sexes Charade game ;) Kelley and Brandon are expecting their first child, a boy, in March 2010!
A really bad picture of me with the cake I baked. I look super bad. This is also about 5 minutes before my cake stand lid fell to the ground and shattered! :S
My new friend, Destiny, that I made at the church-wide garage sale. She was just about the sweetest thing and wrote me some sweet little notes after having known her for 5 minutes. She also asked me to be her friend. It was possibly the sweetest question I've ever heard :)
I went to visit sister Sarah in Arkansas in May and got to actually spend time with THE Jordan Morgan! She's upset with me in this picture because I'm stooping down so that we'd be the same height :) Then of course, Joey, the college minister, pops his head in the picture!
I got to go out to eat with Sarah and the rest of her mission team when they stopped in Dallas before they flew to Thailand the next day. I love my baby sister!
I flew to Jackson to be a hostess for Carlin's (center) baby shower in June. She doesn't even look pregnant in this picture! She and her husband, Adam, would welcome Samuel Edward, to the Milner family almost exactly a month later! (or it may have been a month exactly...regardless, he was born on July 20th!) :)
My dear friend, Margaret, (who is really like a 3rd sister) spent the summer in Malaysia doing mission work and sent me a sweet message by tagging me in this facebook picture. I love her too!
I got to babysit my 'nephew', Levi, and we had a blast. Later on that night he fell asleep against my chest while I rocked him and I thought that was one of the sweetest feelings I'd ever felt.
All three Hebert sisters are finally reunited in July 2009 when Sarah and Leah came to Dallas for the SOAR conference. That was the first time we'd all been together in 7 months!
I go home mid-July and get to see the rest of my family that I hadn't seen in 7 months! Hadley isn't too happy in this picture, but she sure is a sweet niece! :)
We had to say goodbye to PJ and Adrienne (far right) as they moved back to Georgia at the end of July. We spent their last night in Texas by 'post-it-noting' and saran-wrapping some of the youth's cars. We were trying to be Charlie's Angels in this pic but I messed it up! Congratulations to PJ and Adrienne as they just announced a couple of weeks ago that they're expecting a baby in August of 2010!
My Texas family (Billy, Christy and Levi) and I have one last dinner at Tony's before I move back to Mississippi. I miss this family so much and they were so good to me (and still are even though 600 miles separate us). Levi seems way more interested in whatever's in his hand than he is in taking a picture! :)
I make the paper! :) I move back to Mississippi and accept a job at the Community Development Foundation starting October 5th. God was 'all up in this' move and I'm so beyond grateful.
October 2009 - I get to be an adult sponsor at D-NOW! I had the 10th grade girls at my house and God really moved in my heart and the hearts of others. Live Love! Sarah came home from school and we got a picture with one of my sweetest girls, Keely! :)
December 2009 - I have a nephew that's a TEENAGER! Scott turned 13 the day after I turned 26. He's exactly half my age for the next year! :) I love this boy like he was my own and I love him entirely too much. This picture was actually from Thanksgiving, days before his birthday, but it's all good. :)
Happy New Year! Love and blessings in 2010!
- Rebekah
2009 is almost behind us and 2010 (we'll see how long it takes me to remember to write 2010 on my checks instead of 2009) is bearing down on us. Last night at church Romans 12:12 was brought to my attention. Now, I'm sure I've read it before, but it really just stuck with me. I've decided to make that my 'theme verse' for the year.
"rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"
- Romans 12:12
I pray that 2010 is full of blessings too numerous to count (I stole that phrase from my friend Chelsea) and that we grow closer to the Provider of those blessings each and every day.

I finally got to see my long-lost friend, Carlin, after having not seen her for 18 months (?) in MY town! :)

Happy New Year! Love and blessings in 2010!
- Rebekah