Happy Fall, y'all!
First off, let me apologize in advance for this post because it is about to be all over the place.
1 - If you've been around my little corner of the interwebz long, you might notice that we (by we, I mean, the blog) got a new fresh fall look! I am LOVING the background. Golden and dots just say 'fall' to me. And evidently, they aren't viewable on the mobile version? Because...on my iPhone it just looks tan. So...anyway.
AND you might notice the new banner up at the top! Am I the only one that thinks that looks super cool? Hopefully not. What's even cooler? I DID IT MYSELF! This whole blog redesign (there's more to come) is courtesy of these super-helpful tutorials over at Mandy's Yellow Corner. YES! She rocks!! And I don't even really remember how I found it, but I think it involved trying to make a wreath...more on that in a sec. Anyway, the blog looks awesomer (yes, I know, it's not a word) because of her and her great instructions! Also, the fonts I used in the banner came from here. I also created a blog button (with the help of Mandy again) for Sarah's blog and it's right over there -->
I don't necessarily know if Sarah approves, but...I'm thehandler sister, so, let's just go with it.
2 - I decided last Friday that I was going to make a wreath after seeing these cupcake wreaths. Let me just say, that either all my craftiness has left me since college or...I'm silly. My wreath looked rather puny compared to theirs and this made me all forms of sad. The reason I was trying to make a new wreath is because this is the wreath that has been hanging on my door for at least the past 13 years. At least.
You see why it needs to be replaced? I mean, I love that wreath. That wreath was my Mawmaw and Pawpaw's, but...that wreath needs a break! I won't show you a picture of my attempt at the cupcake wreath. I'm just too ashamed.
3 - Have I told you how much I love this time of the year? Fall is MOST DEF my favorite time of the year. Ugh, LOVE. IT. I always wanted to fall in love in the fall. I mean, I've never fallen in love, so who's to say it won't happen, but now I'm just rambling. I say all this because Fall also makes me want to buy school supplies. (You've Got Mail anybody?) And yesterday during bible study we were talking about the greatest gift we've ever been given. Apart from salvation. Because...that's obvious. And I decided that the greatest gift I've ever been given is this -

It's a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils (again...with the YGM) that I received about 2 years ago from my very dear friend and neighbor Molly. And the ribbon was tied much prettier than in this picture. I don't particularly know why a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils is the greatest gift but let's just say that I arrived home from working in Albuquerque one week and it just so happened to be the day that I got called a crazy Christian by a co-worker (and I wasn't really that upset, but I definitely needed some encouragement at the moment) and I open a package that I had received in the mail from Mississippi and that's what was inside. And I just burst into tears. I remember it like it was yesterday. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by awesome friends. And at that moment I wasn't even surrounded by them physically...I was 600 miles away, but, again, with the awesome friends. They are the best.
And as if that isn't enough, her husband blew off my walk the other day where I trimmed the hedges. My other awesome friends let me use their electric hedge trimmer thing (what's the appropriate word??) and it did not take 5 hours, but rather, 35 minutes. Anyway, the following Saturday when I went to clean them up, Matt had blown them off the walk that morning. I texted Molly and said something to the affect of "Did you or your husband do this? Because...you really need to stop being so sweet because I'll never be able to repay you for this lawn kindness." (or something like that). Of course, they did and Matt said not to worry because, of course, they don't expect me to repay them. They just love me. Is that not the sweetest? I mean...really. The sweetest.
They are much more even than last year. :)
4 - I accidentally killed a cat last week. It was possibly one of the most traumatizing experiences I've ever had. What's even worse is that I go to church with the owners. I ran over it on my way home :( It was running away and then all of a sudden it doubled-back and I couldn't slam on my brakes. It was so tragic. Anytime I've seen cats since then it's like they're looking at me saying 'Killer. Killer.' And now that I think about it-Wendy, the neighborhood cat, has not visited my house since then. I bet she found out. I don't blame you Wendy. I'd stay away too. :S
5 - Never in my adult life, or non-adult life for that matter, have I ever washed clothes using bleach. That all changed tonight. I washed my pretty white waffle-weave shower curtain and I put some bleach (after conferring with my mother) in the machine as well. The only bad thing is that I read the instructions for washing the shower curtain AFTER I had put the detergent and bleach in the washing machine. It most definitely said, 'DO NOT BLEACH.' But...I think we're going to be okay. I mean...really. What could happen?
6 - I have become something of a fantasy football phenom. My team, The Controllers, is dominating (points wise) in my 12-team league at work. Albeit...I'm 2-1, but...the game I lost was close. And I think I've become known as the team to beat. I go up against the only undefeated team this coming week. She said she needed to figure something out or she's going down.
At least she realizes it.
{And is that not a clever team name? I mean...my job title as a team name?? It's clever. You should be nodding right now.}
7 - D-NOW is this weekend!! WOOT WOOT! I'm so excited. Last year, Molly and I had the 10th grade girls at my house. This year, a different group of women and I have the 11th and 12th grade girls at my house. I've been prepping the past two weeks or so and the curriculum is absolutely fantastic. I want so bad for these girls to 'get' what I didn't 'get' until the past year. To be living a life of victory over Satan. A life of authentic worship (that's the curriculum). Every day. Please pray with me for them? They are such sweet girls and some of them are already MILES ahead of where I was when I was there age, but, everyone could use prayer. :)
The end. Hope y'alls Monday was as good as mine! :)
P.S. Texted came up in the spell-check. Come on Blogger. Get with the program!
First off, let me apologize in advance for this post because it is about to be all over the place.
1 - If you've been around my little corner of the interwebz long, you might notice that we (by we, I mean, the blog) got a new fresh fall look! I am LOVING the background. Golden and dots just say 'fall' to me. And evidently, they aren't viewable on the mobile version? Because...on my iPhone it just looks tan. So...anyway.
AND you might notice the new banner up at the top! Am I the only one that thinks that looks super cool? Hopefully not. What's even cooler? I DID IT MYSELF! This whole blog redesign (there's more to come) is courtesy of these super-helpful tutorials over at Mandy's Yellow Corner. YES! She rocks!! And I don't even really remember how I found it, but I think it involved trying to make a wreath...more on that in a sec. Anyway, the blog looks awesomer (yes, I know, it's not a word) because of her and her great instructions! Also, the fonts I used in the banner came from here. I also created a blog button (with the help of Mandy again) for Sarah's blog and it's right over there -->
I don't necessarily know if Sarah approves, but...I'm the
2 - I decided last Friday that I was going to make a wreath after seeing these cupcake wreaths. Let me just say, that either all my craftiness has left me since college or...I'm silly. My wreath looked rather puny compared to theirs and this made me all forms of sad. The reason I was trying to make a new wreath is because this is the wreath that has been hanging on my door for at least the past 13 years. At least.
3 - Have I told you how much I love this time of the year? Fall is MOST DEF my favorite time of the year. Ugh, LOVE. IT. I always wanted to fall in love in the fall. I mean, I've never fallen in love, so who's to say it won't happen, but now I'm just rambling. I say all this because Fall also makes me want to buy school supplies. (You've Got Mail anybody?) And yesterday during bible study we were talking about the greatest gift we've ever been given. Apart from salvation. Because...that's obvious. And I decided that the greatest gift I've ever been given is this -
It's a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils (again...with the YGM) that I received about 2 years ago from my very dear friend and neighbor Molly. And the ribbon was tied much prettier than in this picture. I don't particularly know why a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils is the greatest gift but let's just say that I arrived home from working in Albuquerque one week and it just so happened to be the day that I got called a crazy Christian by a co-worker (and I wasn't really that upset, but I definitely needed some encouragement at the moment) and I open a package that I had received in the mail from Mississippi and that's what was inside. And I just burst into tears. I remember it like it was yesterday. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by awesome friends. And at that moment I wasn't even surrounded by them physically...I was 600 miles away, but, again, with the awesome friends. They are the best.
And as if that isn't enough, her husband blew off my walk the other day where I trimmed the hedges. My other awesome friends let me use their electric hedge trimmer thing (what's the appropriate word??) and it did not take 5 hours, but rather, 35 minutes. Anyway, the following Saturday when I went to clean them up, Matt had blown them off the walk that morning. I texted Molly and said something to the affect of "Did you or your husband do this? Because...you really need to stop being so sweet because I'll never be able to repay you for this lawn kindness." (or something like that). Of course, they did and Matt said not to worry because, of course, they don't expect me to repay them. They just love me. Is that not the sweetest? I mean...really. The sweetest.
They are much more even than last year. :)
4 - I accidentally killed a cat last week. It was possibly one of the most traumatizing experiences I've ever had. What's even worse is that I go to church with the owners. I ran over it on my way home :( It was running away and then all of a sudden it doubled-back and I couldn't slam on my brakes. It was so tragic. Anytime I've seen cats since then it's like they're looking at me saying 'Killer. Killer.' And now that I think about it-Wendy, the neighborhood cat, has not visited my house since then. I bet she found out. I don't blame you Wendy. I'd stay away too. :S
5 - Never in my adult life, or non-adult life for that matter, have I ever washed clothes using bleach. That all changed tonight. I washed my pretty white waffle-weave shower curtain and I put some bleach (after conferring with my mother) in the machine as well. The only bad thing is that I read the instructions for washing the shower curtain AFTER I had put the detergent and bleach in the washing machine. It most definitely said, 'DO NOT BLEACH.' But...I think we're going to be okay. I mean...really. What could happen?
6 - I have become something of a fantasy football phenom. My team, The Controllers, is dominating (points wise) in my 12-team league at work. Albeit...I'm 2-1, but...the game I lost was close. And I think I've become known as the team to beat. I go up against the only undefeated team this coming week. She said she needed to figure something out or she's going down.
At least she realizes it.
{And is that not a clever team name? I mean...my job title as a team name?? It's clever. You should be nodding right now.}
7 - D-NOW is this weekend!! WOOT WOOT! I'm so excited. Last year, Molly and I had the 10th grade girls at my house. This year, a different group of women and I have the 11th and 12th grade girls at my house. I've been prepping the past two weeks or so and the curriculum is absolutely fantastic. I want so bad for these girls to 'get' what I didn't 'get' until the past year. To be living a life of victory over Satan. A life of authentic worship (that's the curriculum). Every day. Please pray with me for them? They are such sweet girls and some of them are already MILES ahead of where I was when I was there age, but, everyone could use prayer. :)
The end. Hope y'alls Monday was as good as mine! :)
P.S. Texted came up in the spell-check. Come on Blogger. Get with the program!
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