It snowed in Mississippi yesterday!! actually really snowed. Big, fat, falling from the sky snowflakes made their way to the ground and what's even more...they stuck!! You don't know how excited I was about the snow.
You see, for at least the past 2 1/2 years, whenever I've lived someplace, it would always snow when I wasn't there. When I lived in Dallas it would snow there, while I was working for the week in Albuquerque. When it would snow in Albuquerque, I'd be in Dallas (umm...hello...I was in Albuquerque for 2 1/2 months of WINTER last year...and it didn't snow). THEN, once I moved to Mississippi, it snowed in times. So, you can see how I'd be STOKED over it snowing in Mississippi. It was only an inch, inch and a half, but it was plenty to have fun in! See the pictures below! :)
This is what I got to walk out my front door to see!! AHHH!!!!
My house in the pretty snow! Have I mentioned before that I love my house?? (Yes...I know I have..that was a rhetorical question.) I had a dream the other night that the lady I was renting it from sold it out from under me and I could only live there 2 more months. It was a sad dream!
I don't know why, but I really like this picture of a tree. Yes...a tree. it's just, very symmetrical to me, it seems.
Looking down my road towards the church. Love it!
Don't really know why I love this pic, but I do. It reminds me of something I've seen before, but I can't figure out what.
I went over to Mama and Daddy's and Scott entertained us by throwing snowballs at the big picture window. Hadley was like, OH MY GOSH (of course she didn't say that, she's doesn't know those words yet), but, to me, that's what it looks like she saying in this picture :)
Sarah and Scott took a break from getting pummeled by snowballs (by me) to pose for a picture. Can I just ask what my sister has on? I mean...really. I think what's even sadder is that I kind of like it...don't judge me. Judge her! ;)
Favorite picture of the day!! I really like this pic. So much so that I made it my Facebook profile picture. I'm in the plaid boots, Sarah's in the polka dots, and Scott's in the...other ones. I have a funny (read...sad) story about rain boots. I'll have to share it sometime.
Scott wrote on Daddy's car. I love this pic of him. He looks so happy. Maybe that's why I like seems to make people happy :) Also, Scott was eating some of the snow and I told him not to eat the yellow snow...he looked at me and asked what that meant. Ha! :)
One of my other favorite pictures from the day. Isn't is pretty? This is the storage shed out at my parent's house. I think the colors are really pretty in this one.
On a non-snow note, please say a prayer for the Austin Davis family. This is a family at church that I've known for a long time and Austin passed away yesterday after battling cancer. What is even sadder is that he'd only known about the cancer since about late October/early November and they thought they were going to be able to beat it but it had spread to his brain. He was only 29 (perhaps 30) years old and leaves behind a wife and son. Please pray that God's peace and comfort be with them!
On another non-snow note, Sarah leaves to head back to school tomorrow :(
Her last semester of college.
Color me depressed.
Happy Friday everybody!!! Yay for Fridays!!
You see, for at least the past 2 1/2 years, whenever I've lived someplace, it would always snow when I wasn't there. When I lived in Dallas it would snow there, while I was working for the week in Albuquerque. When it would snow in Albuquerque, I'd be in Dallas (umm...hello...I was in Albuquerque for 2 1/2 months of WINTER last year...and it didn't snow). THEN, once I moved to Mississippi, it snowed in times. So, you can see how I'd be STOKED over it snowing in Mississippi. It was only an inch, inch and a half, but it was plenty to have fun in! See the pictures below! :)

On a non-snow note, please say a prayer for the Austin Davis family. This is a family at church that I've known for a long time and Austin passed away yesterday after battling cancer. What is even sadder is that he'd only known about the cancer since about late October/early November and they thought they were going to be able to beat it but it had spread to his brain. He was only 29 (perhaps 30) years old and leaves behind a wife and son. Please pray that God's peace and comfort be with them!
On another non-snow note, Sarah leaves to head back to school tomorrow :(
Her last semester of college.
Color me depressed.
Happy Friday everybody!!! Yay for Fridays!!
oh reba, i feel bad for saying this but.......i hate snow. i know i know, i'm a scrooge. but i love summer. give me sunshine and droughts. i'm terrible. but i'm glad that you got your snow finally! and your pictures are all really good..i love the tree one, and the road to church one, and the barn one the best. and your doorstep. you're talented. :) i thought about going to take pics yesterday, but i was too lazy. :( i never got out of my pj's all day.
ReplyDeleteOk, how is it that you live in Mississippi and you have seen more snow that I have in Arkansas?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE! Come on snow! Visit Conway for a little while! :-)
ReplyDelete...and you were kidding about the quiet water still water thing right?
love the pics