It didn't really leave much to eat but boy was it yum! :)
It didn't really leave much to eat but boy was it yum! :)
Making sure the window in my bathroom opens...it didn't. However, I eventually got it open like a year and half later.
Giving Leah rabbit ears. Ha, Leah wasn't happy - Christmas 2007
Modeling a vest (that we made her put on) in the thrift store - September 2008
One of our favorite pasttimes - playing Phase 10 - Thanksgiving 2008
I realize she's reading this and my guess is - crying - but I had to get it out. Sorry for making you cry Mama, but just think of me singing "Ask any of the chickies in my pen. They'll tell you I'm the biggest Mother...Hen." and smile :)
I love you!Me, Christy, Levi and Billy on his 31st! :)
Later that night we went to Campisi's for some pizza with some other friends and I had to get a picture with little Mr. Levi.
I swear he was looking before it flashed! :)
God has truly blessed me with some great friends here in Dallas and I'll be so sad to leave them when the time comes to move back to Mississippi. They miss you when you're not at church, they call and make sure you're okay, they help you out when you're in a bind and they share in the building of memories that I'll hold in my heart forever.
Just an update on the job search, I'm still in the running for the accountant position I've applied for at the largest rural medical center in the U.S. Please keep praying that God's will be done in this area of my life!
Peace, love and friendship! :)
Anyway...there's not much else to say except the number 100 is a big accomplishment for me and at this rate, maybe we'll make it to 1,000 soon! Now that I think about it...I only remember celebrating the 100th day of school in 1st grade. What's that about?
On totally unrelated notes, congratulations to my friends Chris and Dana Adams on the birth of their 3rd little (albeit unexpected) bundle of joy--a 7 lb. 8 oz, 19 inch little boy!! AND, my friends Jason and Betsy Baldwin for finding out last night that they're expecting a boy in January! Yay for babies! :)
I have to go scrounge up something for dinner now. If you think I'm funny you should pass my blog link along to your friends so they can laugh too. Oh, and please comment! I love comments. They make me happy!
Peace, love and cupcakes! :)
I thought, well isn't that gorgeous! (Isn't it?? I mean...really, very chic.) And the caption led me to a blog for Cherry House Quilts (see them under my favorites to the right). So I read a little bit and just thought it was uber-cool and had to share. Plus, I think a lot of women my age don't have a hobby or passion like that to call their own these days. Something hands-on that can change your life, you know? Mama used to make dresses for us kids when we were little. Well, not all the kids, just the girls, because a dress on a boy would be awkward. But I remember this one blue and white dress. Sarah wasn't born yet and Leah and I both had matching dresses and Ed had a shirt or something of some kind. I think I was so adorable in that portrait we took, even if I had a cut or something on my lip. All that being said...I wish I could sew.
My mother has been a quilter in previous years. She finished Sarah's (my sister) in I'd guess a year or so. It's a very bright pink/white background (not sure that's the appropriate word) and has flowers on it. Keep in mind, I'm pretty sure Mom just had the quilt top from a box she bought at auction and didn't piece the top by hand. Anyway, then I selected my quilt top and it was NEVER FINISHED. That's right Mom, I'm calling you out!! Get on it!! Oh, and that was like 3 or so years ago that she started for anyone thinking, "Give the lady a chance", so...she's had time.
If you're a quilter...or sewing person, visit Cherry House's blog! It has some pretty awesome quilts and, she's fun to read. Seriously...do it. The link is right over -->
By the way, I never understood that phrase, a stitch in time saves nine. What's that about?
Anna Woods and Mary Neal :)
Ms. Hadley Grace :)
Just because I think they are adorable...
A.W. with my cousins Andrew and Eli