Monday, August 17, 2009

back among the living

I have mono. And mono sucks. And for 8 of the last 10 work days, I've been home sick. Sunday was my first day back to church in two weeks and boy did it feel nice. Not only did Christy make an awesome banana cake for Billy's birthday, but we also went out to lunch afterwards to celebrate.

Me, Christy, Levi and Billy on his 31st! :)

I'm so glad that I was able to get out of the house because I was about to go stir crazy! Not only that, but to be able to celebrate a fun time with friends that have basically become my family in Dallas is also a blessing.

Later that night we went to Campisi's for some pizza with some other friends and I had to get a picture with little Mr. Levi.

I swear he was looking before it flashed! :)

God has truly blessed me with some great friends here in Dallas and I'll be so sad to leave them when the time comes to move back to Mississippi. They miss you when you're not at church, they call and make sure you're okay, they help you out when you're in a bind and they share in the building of memories that I'll hold in my heart forever.

Just an update on the job search, I'm still in the running for the accountant position I've applied for at the largest rural medical center in the U.S. Please keep praying that God's will be done in this area of my life!

Peace, love and friendship! :)


  1. Whoo-hoo! I had no idea you had a blog! I am so excited! I love blogs more than I love facebook --- and well, that says a lot! ha!

    So be prepared... cause I am a blog stalker and a blog commenter! ha!

    Praying about the job stuff... that's awesome if you can get it!! When are you moving back to Mississippi?

  2. Ha, wow Rachel, that IS saying a lot if you love it more than facebook :)

    And to answer your question, I'm moving back to MS once I find a job. Hopefully that's in the next month and a half since my lease on my apartment here in Dallas ends September 30th. But, I'm trusting that God works everything out in His perfect time, and that I'm okay with it :) It's hard!!!

    Thanks for your prayers :)



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